University of Twente /
Interaction Lab
Brand identity
Visual guidelines for the lab of the future
Project description
The Interaction Lab is a place that connects different fields of research concerning interactive technologies. The lab offers a space to study, interact and discover new technologies. These ready-to-use technologies can easily be used by anyone with the help of a large knowledge base of tutorials. Besides being a work-focused space, the Interaction Lab is also meant as a social space. In a comfortable social environment, new ideas and collaborations can grow.
The Interaction Lab moved to a renewed building on campus and was in need of a new brand and visual identity. So in close collaboration we found out what the three pillars of the Interaction Lab are, namely Research, Technology and Togetherness. These three pillars are the driving force behind the visual idenitity. The logo for instance visualises the interaction between the three pillars.
Floor stickers
Mockup of visual identity on a booklet
Bestand studio
Stationsplein 1a
7511 JD, Enschede
the Netherlands
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