We are bestand, a product design studio based in Enschede, the Netherlands.
We design, develop, and give advice on great digital products.
Digital products?
We understand this sounds a little vague. We use the term (digital) product to prevent us from limiting our solutions to only brands, websites, or apps. Sometimes the best solution to your problem can be of a whole different nature. At bestand, we want to create the best experiences for you, your customer, or your organisation.
What we can do for you
We love building beautiful, smoothly working digital products that are as nice from the inside as from the outside: Design is how it works.
We can give you advice on how you can improve your company, by sharing our expertise on design and development with you. We can also help you by creatively thinking about the future of a certain technology.
We love designing brands, user interfaces, and all kinds of (digital) products and experiences. When we design something, we make sure to focus on every little detail.
After design we have to take the step to bring the design from paper to the real world (or in most cases: the world wide web). And this, we can also do. We have experience building for the web using a plethora of frameworks and platforms.
Our philosophy
We follow a modernist design philsophy. Form follows function, but function can be enhanced by form. However, in contrary to traditional modernist ideas, we do not think there is an absolute truth in what good design is. We believe that by talking to people, rapid prototyping and working in iterations, we can come close.
Bestand studio
Stationsplein 1a
7511 JD, Enschede
the Netherlands
Want to start a project together? We would love to hear from you.